Category Archives: Technical
Running VPOP3 on Wine
No, this isn’t about how to run a mail server when you’re a bit inebriated. For those who don’t know, Wine is a Windows ’emulator’ for Linux (actually Wine Is Not an Emulator, but by calling it an emulator it makes it a bit easier for people to understand). The main ‘problem’ with Wine, is […]
Read More...Advanced Backups for VPOP3

As everyone knows, backups are very important, especially with an important piece of software such as a mail server. With VPOP3 v5 and later, VPOP3 will automatically make a backup of its database every day. The database in v5 and later contains all the settings, users, messages, etc, so is essentially a full backup and […]
Read More...VPOP3 v6.3 – GeoIP access restrictions

One of the new features in VPOP3 v6.3 was the support for ‘GeoIP’ in the Access Restrictions settings. This lets you specify that only IP addresses from certain countries can access VPOP3 services. Many people use this type of restriction to prevent access from countries commonly used by attackers. In fact, the VPOP3 GeoIP facility […]
Read More...Command line access to VPOP3 settings

In VPOP3 v5 and later, all the settings are stored in the main database. While this makes it easier to backup, migrate and use database replication, it does make it a bit harder to access settings from outside of VPOP3. You can use the ‘psql‘ command-line program, or a graphical tool like pgAdmin to access […]
Read More...VPOP3 v6.0 – Bandwidth control

One of the new features in VPOP3 Enterprise v6 is enhanced bandwidth control. This allows you to restrict the speed of VPOP3 connections for different users, services and IP addresses. VPOP3 Basic has basic bandwidth control, so this article may still be useful, but VPOP3 Basic does not support ‘bandwidth pools’ or scripting. Because of […]
Read More...Mistake with VPOP3 6.1
Yesterday we released VPOP3 6.1 (build 2648) and had to remove it from our website a few hours later. This was because we discovered an incompatibility with Windows XP/2003. This version works fine on Windows Vista and later, but we inadvertently added something which required Windows Vista. LevelDB The ‘culprit’ was LevelDB. This is a […]
Read More...Automatically deleting old messages
Sometimes we get asked if the VPOP3 administrator can set up VPOP3 to automatically delete old messages from users’ mailboxes. While this is often a dubious thing to do, there are occasionally valid reasons for doing it. VPOP3 Enterprise has a ‘hidden’ facility to do this automatic deletion based on rules. At the moment there […]