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news and info

VPOP3 v8.6 Released

We have released VPOP3 v8.6 which you can download from http://www.pscs.co.uk/products/vpop3/download. This is a free upgrade for all users who have active software maintenance or priority support on 15th April 2024. Other users can purchase the upgrade and 1 year of software maintenance on our website. The full list of changes is in our issue tracker change log, a […]


Block login attacks with abuseIPDB

VPOP3 will automatically block IP addresses which repeatedly try to log in with an incorrect username or password. However, to prevent blocking users who accidentally enter the wrong details for too long, this usually just blocks the IP address for a few minutes (the default is 30 minutes). There is an online database at https://www.abuseipdb.com/ […]


VPOP3 v8.1 Released

We have released VPOP3 v8.1which you can download from http://www.pscs.co.uk/products/vpop3/download. This is a free upgrade for all users who have active software maintenance or priority support on 7th March 2021. Other users can purchase the upgrade and 1 year of software maintenance on our website. The main change of v8.0 from v7.x is a totally rewritten Webmail user […]


VPOP3 Antivirus upgrade

We have just released VPOP3 Antivirus v1.1.0. This is a major upgrade of the antivirus engine, and also fixes a problem which has just started of the antivirus updates not working properly. All existing subscriptions for VPOP3 Antivirus will work without change with the new version of VPOP3 Antivirus, you just need to download the […]


Homeworking with VPOP3

In these troubled times, many of you will be working from home, or thinking about working from home. This article is intended to help you out in that situation. Email Forwarding – not the best way A common request is how to forward email to personal email addresses to allow home working. While that may […]


Coronavirus Update

A little Coronavirus update from PSCS.We are currently working from home, except for essential maintenance work for our hosted services. We can still access our phones, emails, support system, etc from home, so, for the most part, you probably won’t be able to notice any difference from normal. (The phone system works slightly differently than […]


VPOP3 v7.9 Released

We have released VPOP3 v7.9 which you can download from http://www.pscs.co.uk/products/vpop3/download. This is a free upgrade for all users who have active software maintenance or priority support on 10th December 2018. Other users can purchase the upgrade and 1 year of software maintenance on our website. The full list of changes is in our issue tracker change log, a […]


Two Factor Authentication

VPOP3 v7.8 supports Two Factor Authentication (2FA or TFA) for Webmail/admin access. What is Two Factor Authentication Two Factor Authentication requires the logging in user to enter their password as well as a one-time-password generated by an app or program which uses a special algorithm and a ‘secret’ to calculate the one-time-password. This means that […]



VPOP3 v7.8 adds DMARC checking support, so this post is to give you more information about DMARC. Note that to have VPOP3 check incoming messages using DMARC, it must receive messages using direct incoming SMTP (not via a third party’s SMTP server, and not from a POP3 mailbox) and you must have either VPOP3 Enterprise or […]


VPOP3 v7.8 released

We have released VPOP3 v7.8 which you can download from http://www.pscs.co.uk/products/vpop3/download. This is a free upgrade for all users who have active software maintenance or priority support on 11th October 2018. Other users can purchase the upgrade and 1 year of software maintenance on our website. The biggest change in this version that will affect many people is […]